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ACES is Rhinelander’s Association of Churches for Emergency Support. It is the gathering of Rhinelander Churches to show the love of Christ in tangible ways to those in need.

The purpose of the Association of Churches for Emergency Support (ACES) is to coordinate emergency aid, utilize a pool of funds, draw a connection been the Rhinelander areas churches and public service agencies, and to divide the administrative tasks that come with providing such aid. In essence, our goal is to see emergency aid delivered to people, who are in need, in the most efficient, effective and Christ-like manner.


Limited resources are available for family needs of shelter, health, food and clothing by calling

(715) 360-5826

 A volunteer will call back within two business days.


Several churches participate in ACES, both through volunteer hours and finances. Any church wishing to join in participation can inquire with the Executive Committee and will be allowed to do so after the committees approval. Membership dues are individually based on the resources of the participating church.


Churches are responsible to recruit, retain and release competent volunteers to represent ACES and all of its members. That volunteer will handle all calls, issue vouchers, and document interactions of the requests coming into Rhinelander’s ACES. Each shift is for two weeks. After the two week period, both the outgoing and incoming church volunteers must meet to verify all paperwork and voucher inventory as well as deliver the phone and current client needs. Training sessions are offered and mandatory for all volunteers. All volunteers will have clear expectations, procedures, and resources to accomplish their integral role.

The Executive Committee of ACES consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasure. Members at Large can be added if the board deems them to have specific talents that are necessary for the coming term. They meet face to face quarterly and more frequently by other means when the need arises. A two year term is expected.


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